House Mice in Pennsylvania
If you find evidence of mice in your home, it does not mean your home is dirty. Mice are constantly looking for food, water, and shelter, so your home was just another ideal target. They are also known to carry and spread disease, so it’s best to get rid of them quickly.
Common Mouse
Why Do I Suddenly Have Mice in My House?
Mice are scavengers. They’re constantly on the lookout for food, water, and shelter. If you have mice in your home, it does not necessarily mean your home is dirty — it just means the mouse found your home to be an appealing target.
Having mice in your home poses a health risk. Mice can carry a variety of diseases and can spread germs and bacteria if they come into contact with your food.
Contact us to schedule an inspection and evaluation for mice.
How To Tell If You Have Mice in Your Home
- Dark brown droppings approximately the size of a kernel of rice.
- You find footprints in dust or flour left on a countertop, for example.
- You see evidence of gnawed wood, electrical wires, food packaging, etc.
- Listen for scampering behind walls, in crawl spaces or inside cabinets (usually around dawn or dusk).
Why They’re a Problem
Mice carry bacteria and disease. They can spread that to your food, kitchen cooking surfaces and countertops, and other areas we want to keep clean. They reproduce quickly and are difficult to get rid of without professional help.
How We Treat for Mice
Learn more about how we can help you get rid of mice in your home or business.
Mice FAQs
- I deal with mice every winter – is this common?
House mice extermination is a common service call for us in colder months.
The house mouse is inquisitive in nature and will spend the day roaming its territory, exploring anything new or out of the ordinary.
When the temperatures outside begin to drop, since they don’t hibernate, house mice will begin searching for a warmer place to live.
They are often attracted by the smell of food and the warmth of a structure. The common house mouse can use any opening, such as utility lines, pipe openings, and gaps beneath doors, to gain entry into a home.
- What can I do to keep mice out of my home?
To prevent mice from entering the home, all cracks, crevices, holes and gaps larger than a pen cap should be sealed with cement or a mixing compound. It is not advised that wood be used to seal these holes, as mice are capable of chewing through wood.
Cleanliness may also have an effect on pest infestations. Be sure to wash dishes immediately following use. Food should be stored in glass or metal containers with tight lids. Mice acquire most of their water from scavenged food particles, so clean up any crumbs and food morsels left on tabletops and floors.
When a home is already infested with mice, prevention methods are often inefficient. The most effective mouse control methods are those administered by trained professionals.