European hornets are larger than yellowjackets and can deliver painful stings. However, they are generally less aggressive unless their nest is disturbed. European hornets construct large, aerial nests typically located in hollow trees, wall voids, or attics.

European Hornets in Southeastern/Central Pennsylvania

What They Look Like

European Hornet

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How To Minimize the Dangers of European Hornets

To minimize the risks associated with European hornets, you can:

  • Maintain a safe distance from their nests and avoid disturbing them.
  • Be cautious when working or spending time near areas where European hornets are present.
  • Seek an Akita pest control professional help for nest removal or relocation, especially due to the potential size of their nests and their stinging ability.

Remember that individual reactions to stings can vary, and some people may be more sensitive or allergic. If you or someone around you experiences severe symptoms or shows signs of an allergic reaction after a sting, seek medical attention immediately.

How We Treat for Wasps & Hornets

Learn more about how we can help you get rid of wasps/hornets on your property or in your home.

Wasp Pest Control

Schedule Pest Control Service Online or by Phone

You can schedule a service appointment online or by calling 717-775-7378 (Lancaster), 717-305-4668 (Harrisburg), or 484-322-2149 (King of Prussia).

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