Paper wasps are considered potentially dangerous, as they can deliver painful stings if threatened or their nests are disturbed. They build open, umbrella-shaped nests made of paper-like material, typically attached to structures like eaves, branches, or other protected areas.
Paper Wasps in Southeastern/Central Pennsylvania
What They Look Like
Paper Wasp
How To Minimize the Dangers of Paper Wasps
To minimize the risks associated with paper wasps, it is important to:
- Maintain a safe distance from their nests and avoid disturbing them.
- Be cautious when working or spending time near areas where paper wasps are present.
- Seek a pest control professional for nest removal or relocation if necessary, especially for nests located in high-traffic areas.
How We Treat for Wasps
Learn more about how we can help you get rid of wasps on your property or in your home.