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Warning! If you go back a step after selecting a date & time, you will have to choose a new time or wait 15 minutes for the original timeslot to open again.
SATURDAY SERVICES TIMES: The only times available for Saturday services are: 8am - 10am and 10am - 12pm.
For emergency appointments within the next 24 hours, please call us at (717) 775-7378 to schedule your service.
Scroll down for more details and tips on scheduling your service
Scheduling Note: Please select a date to see available time slots. Our scheduling is based on a “First Come, First Served” basis, and we will schedule your service based on your choice above.
You will receive a confirmation email of your scheduled appointment, and you will receive a text message on the day of your appointment prior to the arrival of our service technician.
All requested and scheduled dates and times are subject to change. If your date and/or time is changed, we will notify you immediately.
If you selected a service and service area that is offered on Saturdays, the only windows of time available are between 8am – 12pm.
Saturdays appointments are not guaranteed and are scheduled as first come, first served.
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Review & Schedule
Service requested:
Your service area:
Requested Date:
Requested Time:
Additional Comments and Questions:
Street Address:
Additional Address:
Payment due at time of service
Estimated Price:
Estimated Time to Complete
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