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Are Spiders Dangerous?

Many spiders you see inside or outside may look scary, but they are usually not harmful. Spiders rarely bite people, but if they do bite you ,most bites are more itchy than life-threatening.

In Pennsylvania, the most common spiders are the generic house spider, the wolf spider, grass spiders, and orb weavers. None of these species are venomous, and they all play a distinct role in the local ecosystem.

However, this does not mean that venomous spiders do not exist in Pennsylvania. The two most notable in the state are the black widow and the brown recluse. Although the black widow and brown recluse venom is not typically deadly to humans, it can still cause serious health problems and poses potential danger. If bitten by either of these spiders, it is important to seek medical help.

What Attracts Spiders to Your Home?

Many different factors can attract spiders into your home. Spiders, like other animals, look for shelter, safety, food, water, and chances to mate. That’s why they find your house appealing. Just as your house provides you with protection from the outside world, it does the same for them.

Spiders from Pennsylvania may come inside when it gets cold in October and November. Your home provides warmth and shelter from the cold weather, which can be fatal for them.

Additionally, the dark and warm crawl spaces within your house offer an ideal environment for these critters to thrive by feeding on other common house pests like flies, cockroaches, and earwigs. Furthermore, your house serves as a perfect breeding ground because of the lack of larger predators that feed on spiders. This situation can quickly escalate from just two spiders to thousands from a single egg brood.

Common Spiders in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has many spiders, but only a few types are most common in the state.

House spiders, as the name implies, typically inhabit houses and are generally quite small, measuring less than an inch in size. They usually inhabit basements, attics, barns, sheds, and mostly the corners of rooms where they can easily spin their webs.

Most house spiders tend to be dark brown with some colorations like white or black spotting on their abdomen or legs, though females and males can display differing colorations such as yellow and orange, respectively.

Wolf Spiders

Unlike other species, wolf spiders do not spin webs. Wolf spiders chase down and pounce on prey over short distances, or they often sit and wait for passing prey, instead of relying on prey getting caught in a web.

Because of their hunting method, wolf spiders possess excellent eyesight compared to the generally poor eyesight of other species. They arrange their eight eyes in three rows, with the top two eyes being the largest. They also vary in size, and their coloration tends to match their natural habitat as a method of camouflage.

Orb Weavers

Orb weavers are one of the most widely spread species, found on nearly every continent. They are commonly found in gardens and fields and are known for their brightly colored abdomens. They are also renowned for their variety of web-spinning styles, which can depend on factors such as wind, temperature, and other environmental conditions.

Grass Spiders

Grass spiders combine traits of traditional house spiders, which spin webs, and wolf spiders, which chase down their prey. They weave funnel-shaped webs as a place to live, but the webs themselves are not sticky and are not used for catching food.

Instead, like wolf spiders, grass spiders chase down their prey. Grass spiders and wolf spiders both have three rows of eyes, with the two biggest eyes on top. This helps them hunt for food.

How Akita Pest Control Takes Care of Spiders

Because of our proximity to the Susquehanna River, we often see tons of spider activity because the river acts a breeding ground for insects like mayflies, stoneflies, blackflies, and the like.

These insects often are attracted to the lights of local cities like Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York when they emerge from the water to mate.

Consequently, because of the increase in insect populations near the river, we also see a corresponding increase in the number of spiders near cities as these insects are attracted to the area.

Pest control for spiders is included in our general pest extermination service, which features a comprehensive treatment for both the interior and exterior of your home, all backed by our pest-free guarantee. When applied by a certified pest control technician, our treatments are safe for kids, adults, and pets.

Spider Control

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